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Gallery – Toyota 4th Gen 4Runner (2003-2009)
4th Gen 4Runners typically came new at 19.5-20″ front and 21.5-22″ rear, measured from the center of the hub up to the fender edge. Dobinsons use 20″ front and 22″ rear for their baseline, so you can add the listed lift heights below and compare that to your vehicle now to see how it will sit once lifted and settled. Suspension takes about 1000 miles and a month or so to fully break in and settle.
V6 4th Gen – 1.5″ Front and 1″ Rear – C59-296, IMS59-50220, C59-599, IMS59-50705 (Curran)

2″ Front and Stock Height Rear – IMS59-50220, C59-300, IMS59-50705, C59-323 (@wv_lx450)

2″ Front and 1.5″ rear – C59-300 for V6 and C59-302 for V8 with GS59-221, C59-505, GS59-705 or GS59-701 and PS59-4030
2.5″ Front and 1.5″ rear – 4WD V6 Model – C59-302, GS59-221, C59-505, GS59-705

2.5″ Front and 2″ rear – C59-302 for V6 and C59-314 for V8 with GS59-221, C59-325, GS59-701 or GS59-705, UCA59-002K, PS59-4030
3.5″ front and 2″ rear – V6 – C59-302, GS59-220, UCA59-002K, C59-325, GS59-701
3″ Front and Rear – V8 – C59-350, GS59-220, UCA59-002K, C59-677V, GS59-701
Long travel rear coils and shocks flexing – C59-675V
Dobinsons C59-749V rear Ultra Heavy Load Long Travel coils with IMS59-50575 Long Travel Monotube Shocks (@aemravan)

Dobinsons GS59-220 Struts and C59-300 coils for 2.5″ of lift on a V6, compared to Bilstein 5100’s with OME coils and raised clip height. Notice the shock body thickness and lower mount as well