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Gallery – Toyota 5th Gen 4Runner (2010-2023)
We’re only sharing photos of pretty much stock weight vehicles so that you can get a sense of lift height. Added weight brings down the height of these coils of course.
5th Gen 4Runners typically came new at 19.5-20″ front and 21.5-22″ rear, measured from the center of the hub up to the fender edge. Dobinsons use 20″ front and 22″ rear for their baseline, so you can add the listed lift heights below and compare that to your vehicle now to see how it will sit once lifted and settled. Suspension takes about 1000 miles and a month or so to fully break in and settle.
2016 4Runner Trail Edition – 2.5″ Front and 2.0″ rear – C59-302, GS59-700, C59-505, GS59-745

2021 4Runner Trail Edition – 2.5″ Front and 1.75″ rear – C59-314, GS59-700, C59-505, GS59-705, Dobinsons UCA’s, SE59-529 rear sway bar links, Trail Standard Offroad Incog front bumper and Warn Evo VR10 winch, 285/70R17 tires

3″ Front and 2″ rear – C59-314, IMS59-50700, C59-325, IMS59-50701, UCA59-002K, DD59-527K, SE59-529 (@88maroon)

3″ front and 2″ rear – C59-300 or C59-302 with GS59-574, C59-325 and GS59-701 or GS59-705, and UCA59-002K with DD59-572K, SE59-529
3″ Front and 1.75″ Rear – C59-302, C59-505, IMS59-50574, IMS59-50701, UCA59-002K, Treaty Oak KDSS Spacers

1.75 – 2.0″ front with 1″ rear – C59-300, GS59-700, C59-599, GS59-705

2.5″ front and 1.5″ rear – C59-302, IMS59-50700, C59-505, IMS59-50705, UCA’s, Hub-fender front: 22 3/8”, Rear: 23 3/4”. 285/70/17 with no trimming and no rub

2.5″ front and 1.5″ rear – C59-302, GS59-700, C59-505, GS59-705 or GS59-701
2018 TRD Pro 4Runner, switched to Dobinsons IMS – 2.5″ front and 1.5″ rear, C59-302, IMS59-50700, C59-505, IMS59-50705

3″ Heavy Duty front and rear lift – C59-354, GS59-574, C59-701V or C59-749V, GS59-575, WA59-520K, WA59-522K, SE59-529, UCA59-002K, DD59-527K, PR59-1423
Comparing stock CV Boots on a 5th Gen to the Dobinsons high angle CV boots, CV59-554K and CV59-557K